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Controlling the Node#

CANopen Node#

The CANopen network is organized in a mix of master/slave and producer/consumer communication architecture. One single CANopen device (a master or a slave) is represented within the software with a data structure, called node. This structure is the central entry point of the application into the specific CANopen node.

The following source line is essential to create a new instance of the node:

CO_NODE demo;   /* create the node instance 'demo' */

The service functions starting with CONode…() are provided for initializing and controlling the node-specific aspects. These service functions are requesting the corresponding node pointer as the first argument.

For example reading the internal error state of the CANopen Node:

err = CONodeGetErr(&demo); /* get error state of node 'demo'  */

The same naming convention is realized with several modules. The following table shows the names of the provided modules and their corresponding arguments:

Service Group Argument Example
CODir…() &demo.Dir CODirFind(&demo.Dir, CO_DEV(0x1234,0x56));
COEmcy…() &demo.Emcy COEmcyCnt(&demo.Emcy);
COIf…() &demo.If COIfCanSend(&demo.If, &frm);
CONmt…() &demo.Nmt CONmtGetMode(&demo.Nmt);
CONode…() &demo CONodeGetErr(&demo);
COTmr…() &demo.Tmr COTmrCreate(&demo.Tmr, 0, 10, MyFunc, 0);
COTPdo…() &demo.TPdo COTPdoTrigPdo(&demo.TPdo, 1);

Node Start#

The start of a node needs to have some additional information about memory allocation, the object directory, and more. This information is collected to a single structure, called node specification.

The following source lines show a typical node specification:

const CO_NODE_SPEC DemoSpec = {
  (uint8_t      ) 0x01,              /* pre-defined Node-ID            */
  (uint32_t     ) Baudrate,          /* default baudrate               */
  (CO_OBJ      *)&AppObjDir,         /* start of object directory      */
  (uint16_t     ) APP_OBJ_N,         /* number of objects in directory */
  (CO_EMCY_TBL *)&AppEmcyCode,       /* start of emergency code table  */
  (CO_TMR_MEM  *)&AppTmrMem,         /* start of timer manager memory  */
  (uint16_t     ) APP_TMR_N,         /* max. number of timers/actions  */
  (uint32_t     ) APP_TICKS_PER_SEC, /* timer clock frequency in Hz    */
  (CO_IF_DRV    )&AppDrv,            /* hardware interface drivers     */
  (uint8_t     *)&AppSdoBuf          /* start of SDO transfer buffer   */

The service function CONodeInit() initializes the given node with the data and memory of the given node specification:

CONodeInit (&demo, (CO_NODE_SPEC *)&DemoSpec);

The internal behavior of the CANopen stack is shown in the following diagram:

  participant A as Application
  participant S as demo
  participant N as demo.Nmt
  Note over S,N: NMT State = CO_INVALID
  A->>+S: CONodeInit()
  S->>+N: initialize NMT
  N-->>-S: ok
  S-->>-A: ok
  Note over S,N: NMT State = CO_INIT
  A->>+S: CONodeStart()
  S->>+N: NMT bootup
  N-->>-S: ok
  S-->>-A: ok
  Note over S,N: NMT State = CO_PREOP

The CANopen network state machine state is still in CO_INIT after the node initialization, because there may be several additional actions necessary before setting the node in the pre-operational state. With the second function call CONodeStart() the bootup message is sent and the node is in pre-operational mode. The node is now able to perform network communications.

Node Processing#

For processing a single CANopen network message, the CANopen stack provides a service function. The following line processes the latest received CAN message:


The internal behavior of the CANopen stack is shown in the following diagram:

  participant A as Application
  participant S as demo
  participant I as demo.If
  A->>+S: CONodeProcess()
  S->>+I: get received CAN frame
  I-->>-S: CAN frame
  S-->>-A: ok

Node Stop#

Stopping a node is typically performed by the CAN network with autonomous requests. Nevertheless, the CANopen stack provides a service function to switch the NMT modes by the application. The following line switches the node into the NMT mode CO_STOP.

CONmtSetMode(&demo.Nmt, CO_STOP);

The internal behavior of the CANopen stack is shown in the following diagram:

  participant A as Application
  participant S as demo
  participant N as demo.Nmt
  Note over S,N: NMT State = <any>
  A->>+N: CONmtSetMode()
  N-->>-A: ok
  Note over S,N: NMT State = CO_STOP

Note: After this activity, the interface and all resources are still locked and must not be used by other components.

Node Reset#

Resetting a node is typically performed by the CANopen master via NMT protocol messages. This is done by the CANopen stack without any necessary actions by the application.

The CANopen stack provides a service function to reset the node by the application. The following line initiates the reset of the node.

CONmtReset(&demo.Nmt, CO_RESET_NODE);

There are two different kinds of resets possible: - Reset Communication and Application (this is called "Reset Node") - Reset Communication

The internal behavior of the CANopen stack is shown in the following diagram:

  participant A as Application
  participant N as demo.Nmt
  participant S as demo
  participant I as demo.If
  Note over N: NMT State = <any>
  A->>+N: CONmtReset()
  Note over N: NMT State = CO_INIT
  opt application reset
  N->>+S: load parameters in [2000h to 9FFFh]
  S-->>-N: ok
  N->>+S: load parameters in [1000h to 1FFFh]
  S-->>-N: ok
  N->>+I: COIfCanReset()
  I-->>-N: ok
  N-->>-A: ok

Node Shutdown#

Shutting down a node is typically not used by real embedded CANopen applications. This function is provided to delete all dynamically created objects and free the used memory areas.


The internal behavior of the CANopen stack is shown in the following diagram:

  participant A as Application
  participant S as demo
  participant N as demo.Nmt
  Note over S,N: NMT State = <any>
  A->>+S: CONodeStop()
  S->>+N: CONmtSetMode()
  N-->>-S: ok
  S-->>-A: ok
  Note over S,N: NMT State = CO_STOP

Note: After this activity, the interface and all resources are free to use by other components.