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SDO Client#

The CSDO component provides an interface to the CANopen SDO client.

Module Context#

  CO_NODE o-- CO_CSDO : Node
  CO_FRM o-- CO_CSDO : Frm
  class CO_CSDO {
    -uint32_t RxId
    -uint32_t TxId
    -uint8_t NodeId
    +COCSdoRequestUpload(key, buffer, size, callback, timeout)
    +COCSdoRequestDownload(key, buffer, size, callback, timeout)
  class CO_CSDO_STATE {

Structure Data#

The class CO_CSDO is defined within co_csdo.h and is responsible for the CANopen SDO client handling. The following data members are in this class:

Data Member Type Description
TxId uint32_t COB-ID for the transmitted SDO request
RxId uint32_t COB-ID for the received SDO response
NodeId uint8_t Node-Id of addressed SDO server


The data within this structure must never be manipulated without the corresponding class member functions. This can lead to unpredictable behavior of the node.

Member Functions#

The following chapters describes the API functions of the CANopen SDO client module. These functions are implemented within the source file: co_csdo.c/h


The function checks the availability of the given SDO client index and returns the corresponding CO_CSDO object.


CO_CSDO *COCSdoFind(CO_NODE *node, uint8_t num);


Parameter Description
node Pointer to parent CANopen node
num SDO client number (1..127)

Returned Value

  • The function returns a valid CO_CSDO object when addressed SDO client is ready for initiating a new transfer. Otherwise, an invalid CO_CSDO object is returned.


The following example checks the state of SDO client #2.

CO_CSDO *csdo;
csdo = COCSdoFind(&(AppNode), 2);
if (csdo == 0) {

  /* SDO client #2 is missing or busy */

} else {

  /* SDO client #2 is usable */



The function starts an SDO download transfer in the calling node to write data to the configured SDO server node-id. When the size of data transfer is lower or equal 4 an expedited transfer is used, otherwise a segmented transfer is initiated.


CO_ERR COCSdoRequestDownload(CO_CSDO *csdo,
                             uint32_t key,
                             uint8_t *buffer,
                             uint32_t size,
                             CO_CSDO_CALLBACK_T callback,
                             uint32_t timeout);


Parameter Description
csdo Pointer to SDO client object
key destination object entry on SDO server Node-Id
buffer pointer to buffer with data
size size in byte of data within the buffer
callback user provided callback for transfer finalization
timeout transfer timeout in milliseconds

Returned Value

  • The function returns CO_ERR_NONE when transfer is initiated successfully. Any other error code indicates, that the transfer is not started.


The following example writes a 32bit value to the remote node object dictionary entry [1234h:02] with SDO client #1 and a transfer timeout of 1s.

uint32_t writeValue = 0;

/* The application specific SDO transfer finalization callback */
void AppCSdoFinishCb(CO_CSDO *csdo, uint16_t index, uint8_t sub, uint32_t code)
  if (code == 0) {

    /* data written successfully in remote node */

  } else {

    /* a timeout or abort is detected during SDO transfer  */


/* somewhere in your application: */
void foo()
  CO_CSDO *csdo;
  CO_ERR   err;
  csdo = COCSdoFind(&(AppNode), 1);
  writeValue = 42;
  err = COCSdoRequestDownload(csdo, CO_DEV(1234,02),
                              &writeValue, sizeof(writeValue),
                              AppCSdoFinishCb, 1000);
  if (err == CO_ERR_NONE) {

    /* Transfer is started successfully */

    /* Note: don't change the 'writeValue' until transfer is finished! */

  } else {

    /* Unable to start the SDO transfer */



The function starts an SDO upload transfer in the calling node to read data from the configured SDO server node-id. When the size of data transfer is lower or equal 4 an expedited transfer is used, otherwise a segmented transfer is initiated.


CO_ERR COCSdoRequestUpload(CO_CSDO *csdo,
                           uint32_t key,
                           uint8_t *buffer,
                           uint32_t size,
                           CO_CSDO_CALLBACK_T callback,
                           uint32_t timeout);


Parameter Description
csdo Pointer to SDO client object
key destination object entry on SDO server Node-Id
buffer pointer to buffer with data
size size in byte of data within the buffer
callback user provided callback for transfer finalization
timeout transfer timeout in milliseconds

Returned Value

  • The function returns CO_ERR_NONE when transfer is initiated successfully. Any other error code indicates, that the transfer is not started.


The following example reads a 32 bytes from the remote node object dictionary entry [1234h:02] with SDO client #1 and a transfer timeout of 1s.

uint8_t readValue[32] = { 0 };

/* The application specific SDO transfer finalization callback */
void AppCSdoFinishCb(CO_CSDO *csdo, uint16_t index, uint8_t sub, uint32_t code)
  if (code == 0) {

    /* read data is available in 'readValue' */

  } else {

    /* a timeout or abort is detected during SDO transfer  */


/* somewhere in your application: */
void foo()
  CO_CSDO *csdo;
  CO_ERR   err;
  csdo = COCSdoFind(&(AppNode), 1);
  err = COCSdoRequestUpload(csdo, CO_DEV(1234,02),
                            &readValue, 32,
                            AppCSdoFinishCb, 1000);
  if (err == CO_ERR_NONE) {

    /* Transfer is started successfully */

    /* Note: don't use the 'readValue' until transfer is finished! */

  } else {

    /* Unable to start the SDO transfer */
