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CAN Interface#

The interface component provides an interface to the hardware driver.

Module Context#

  CO_NODE o-- CO_IF : Node
  CO_IF_DRV *-- CO_IF : Drv
  class CO_IF {
    +COIfCanRead(destination) int16_t
    +COIfCanSend(source) int16_t

Structure Data#

The class CO_IF is defined within co_if.h and is responsible for the interface management. The following data members are in this class

Data Member Type Description
Drv CO_IF_DRV driver specific CAN bus identification
Node CO_NODE* pointer to parent node


The data within this structure must never be manipulated without the corresponding class member functions. This can lead to unpredictable behavior of the node.

Member Functions#

The following table describes the API functions of the CANopen interface module. These functions are implemented within the source file: co_if.c/h


This function closes the interface ONLY. Be careful in calling this function for an active CANopen node on this interface. This can result in unpredictable behavior of the overall system.


void COIfCanClose(CO_IF *cif);


Parameter Description
cif pointer to interface object

Returned Value

  • none


The following example shows how to close the interface of the CANopen node AppNode:



If a CAN frame is received, the given receive frame buffer will be filled with the received data. The read function is rarely used from within the application because the CANopen will receive all messages by default and allows to work on all non-CANopen messages with a callback function.


For evaluation, demonstration, or testing purposes this CAN read function may poll for a new CAN frame. In this special case, the additional return value with no received CAN frame is possible. Don't use the polling mode in production; you should use interrupt-driven CAN communication. The CAN polling is not suitable for CANopen.


int16_t COIfCanRead(CO_IF *cif, CO_IF_FRM *frm);


Parameter Description
cif pointer to interface object
frm pointer to destination frame buffer

Returned Value

  • >0 : size of CO_IF_FRM on success
  • =0 : special: nothing received during polling (timeout)
  • <0 : an error is detected


If necessary, the following example show how to call the blocking receive function for the interface of the CANopen node AppNode:

CO_IF_FRM frame;
int16_t   err;
err = COIfCanRead(&(AppNode.If), &frame);
if (err <= 0) {

  /* error in interface layer */

} else {

  /* frame contains received data */



This function resets the interface ONLY. Be careful in calling this function for an active CANopen node on this interface. This can result in unpredictable behavior of the overall system.


void COIfCanReset(CO_IF *cif);


Parameter Description
cif pointer to interface object

Returned Value

  • none


The following example shows how to reset the interface of the CANopen node AppNode:

COIfCanReset (&(AppNode.If));


The send function may be used within the application to transmit additional messages on the CANopen interface.


int16_t COIfCanSend(CO_IF *cif, CO_IF_FRM *frm);


Parameter Description
cif pointer to interface object
frm pointer to destination frame buffer

Returned Value

  • >0 : size of CO_IF_FRM on success
  • <0 : an error is detected


The following example shows how to call the transmit function for the interface of the CANopen node AppNode:

CO_IF_FRM frame;
int16_t   err;
frame.Identifier = 0x123;
frame.DLC        = 8;
frame.Data[0]    = 0x12;
frame.Data[1]    = 0x23;
frame.Data[2]    = 0x34;
frame.Data[3]    = 0x45;
frame.Data[4]    = 0x56;
frame.Data[5]    = 0x67;
frame.Data[6]    = 0x78;
frame.Data[7]    = 0x89;
err = COIfCanSend(&(AppNode.If), &frame);
if (err < 0) {

  /* error in interface layer */
